By: CS2103T F10-1      Since: Jan 2020      Licence: MIT

{ start of introduction section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }

1. Introduction

Hello fellow University friends! Have you ever found writing resumes for job and internship applications a hassle? Have you ever dreamt about an app that can help you manage different resumes for different companies? Have you ever wished for a more streamlined Command Line Interface application that can match your efficiency and typing prowess?

If this sounds like you, ResuMe is the resume managing application for you! Made by University students for University students with looovee, this wonder understands your struggle and strives to cater to your specific resume needs and job application woes.

{ end of introduction section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }

1.1. Overview

ResuMe allows the management of five different item types:

No. Item type Alias Attributes




name, role, from, to, description, tag




name, time, website, description, tag




name, level, tag




name, tag




name, time, tag

As you may have noticed from number 4, we are able to manage different resume items as well! Items from number 1 to 3 can be shared across different resume items.

1.2. Preview

The following is the GUI for our application:

Ui annotated
Figure 1. The GUI Components of ResuMe

GUI Components:

  1. Command box: where you enter your commands.

  2. Result box: where the result of a command is shown. It can show a success message or a failure message if something wrong happens.

  3. View box: where the detailed information about an item is shown. For instance, if you are viewing an internship item, this box shows in full the company name, role, from, to, description and tags.

  4. List box: where all items of a certain type are listed. Only one type is displayed at a time. You can change the view of this list using list command. Additionally, when other commands change items of a certain type, the list box will be set to display that type.

  5. User box: where you can view your personal information like name, email, or phone number. Any changes made to your user profile will be automatically reflected here.

  6. Note box: where you can view your list of note items. You can also change the view of this list by using list command. When a note is marked as done, this box will be automatically updated.

Interested? Jump to Section 3, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

{ start of about guide section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

2. About this guide

Our aim when writing this document is to help you - a new user - get started with ResuMe as quickly as possible. The guide features all the available commands, their syntax, as well as specific examples for illustration.

This section is, well…​ a guide on how to use this guide :) We will be explaining some of the symbols and formatting used, key terms, as well notes and tips for a better user experience.

2.1. Symbols and Formatting

Most of us are visual learners, and we figured, what is a better way to present information than using some shapes and colours?

Symbol / Format Explanation

Important information to take note


Warnings on potential misuse

consola font

Keywords representing an item type or their parameters, or a command that could be executed

2.2. Key terms

You will come across these little guys a lot in this document, so let’s get to know them first!

Term Explanation


Consisting of five different types: internship, project, skill, resume and note


An item stored in the application, which could be any one of the five types above


A line of text that you could type into the command box and execute


Specific information about an item supplied by you


The position of the item in the currently displayed list

{ end of about guide section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

3. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest CS2103T-F10-1.ResuMe.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your ResuMe application.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

    Figure 2. The GUI of ResuMe
  5. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help start and pressing Enter will open the help window for getting started.

  6. Try out these example commands:

    • list i/ res : lists all resume items.

    • add i/ res n/ Software Engineering Resume #/ SE #/ frontend: adds a resume named Software Engineering Resume with tags "SE" and "frontend".

    • delete 1 i/ res : deletes the 1st resume shown in the resume list.

    • exit : exits the app.

  7. Refer to Section 4, “Features” for details of each command.

4. Features

For this section, we will introduce you to all of the available features of our application.

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you.
    For example, in add i/ TYPE n/ NAME, TYPE and NAME are parameters which can be customised to be add i/ proj n/ Orbital.

  • Parameters in square brackets are optional.
    For example, n/ NAME [#/TAG] can be used as n/ Orbital #/ SE or as n/ Orbital.

  • Parameters with after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    For example, [#/ TAG]…​ can be used as:

    • (i.e. 0 times)

    • #/ SE

    • #/ SE #/ frontend etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    For example, if the command specifies n/ NAME p/ PHONE_NUMBER, p/ PHONE_NUMBER n/ NAME is also acceptable.

{ start of help section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

4.1. Viewing help : help

Lists out the function and usage of each command.

Format: help OPTION

There are two possible help options that you can choose from, as shown in the table below:

Option Format Result


help command

Opens a pop-up window with a summary of available commands, their syntax and usages.


help start

Opens a pop-up window with detailed guide on how to get started.

These are screenshots of the two pop-up windows:

Figure 3. Command Summary Pop-up Window
Figure 4. Getting Started Pop-up Window

{ end of help section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

{ start of me section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

4.2. Editing user profile: me

You can edit your display profile here! It will then be updated accordingly in the user box. Feel free to edit only one or multiple fields at a time :)


A user profile contains the following fields: DisplayPicture, Name, Description, Phone, Email, Github, University, Major, From, To, CAP.
  • We note that these fields are your essential information which will be displayed in the PDF file of every generated resume. As such, each field comes with a format check which you need to fulfill in order to make a valid change.

Field Format

Display Picture

Has to be a valid image file ending with .jpg, .png or .jpeg.


Should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank.


Can take any characters and it should not be blank.


Should only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long.


Must follow a valid email format.


Must follow a valid github username format.


Should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, with a maximum of 50 characters and should not be blank.


Should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, with a maximum of 50 characters and should not be blank.


Should be in the format of MM-yyyy.


Should be in the format of MM-yyyy and must not be an earlier date than From.


Must be in the format of "CURRENT_CAP MAX_CAP" where "CURRENT_CAP" is not greater than "MAX_CAP". Must contain only non-negative numbers.

Example 1: Update user profile details

Try typing in the command box this command:

me n/ My Name p/ 12345678 e/ d/ I like solving problems and creating things! g/ mygithub u/ NUS m/ CS f/ 08-2018 t/ 05-2022 c/ 5.0 5.0


The user box will be swiftly updated to showcase all your essential information:

Figure 5. User Box with updated personal details

Example 2: Update user profile picture

Now, let’s make your profile even more customisable. Follow the steps in one of these two links below if you do not know how to copy an full file path from your computer.

Afterwards, try a command similar to the one of the two below, depending on your operating system:

me dp/ /Users/nhamquochung/Desktop/test.png (for Mac)

me dp/ C:\Users\Christian J. Welly\Pictures\chrisjwelly.jpg (for Windows)


Tada! The user box will be updated to display your beautiful picture:

Figure 6. User Box with updated profile picture

{ end of me section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

{ start of list section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }

4.3. Listing all items : list

Lists items in the storage.

Format: list i/ TYPE

  • Listed items are in short form, only showing their index, name, tags and a short summary. To view items in full details, use view.

  • The type of items listed will light up in orange.

note list is always showing on the bottom left of the application. list i/ note command will show the entire note lis, this is to be used in conjunction with find for note to show all note items after you have filtered the list.


  • list i/ res: Lists all resume items.

    Figure 7. List of all resume items
  • list i/ int: Lists all internship items.

    Figure 8. List of all internship items
  • list i/ note: Lists all note items.

    Figure 9. List of all note items

{ end of list section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }

{ start of add section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

4.4. Adding an item: add

Adds an item to the ResuMe application.

Format: add i/ TYPE n/ NAME [ATTRIBUTE/ VALUE]…​ [#/ TAG]…​

The specific command syntax could be found in the table below:

Type Format


add i/ int n/ COMPANY_NAME r/ ROLE f/ FROM t/ TO d/ DESCRIPTION [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ proj n/ PROJECT_NAME t/ TIME w/ WEBSITE d/ DESCRIPTION [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ ski n/ SKILL_NAME l/ LEVEL [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ res n/ RESUME_NAME [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ note n/ NOTE_NAME t/ TIME [#/ TAG]…​

  • An item could have any number of tags (including 0).

  • There are three possible levels for a skill item: ADVANCED, INTERMEDIATE and BASIC.

  • A newly added note will be automatically marked as undone.

The description of an item could be written in one paragraph (with full stop and a space after each sentence). These sentences, when exported to .pdf format, will be automatically shown as individual bullet points! (refer to rgen for more details)

Example: Try typing in the command box these two commands one by one!

  1. list i/ proj

  2. add i/ proj n/ Duke t/ 06-2020 w/ d/ For a little module named CS2103T. #/ java #/ tech


  1. All project items are listed in the list box.

    Figure 10. List of all project items
  2. A new project item named "Duke" with the specified fields is added. This item is automatically reflected in the list box.

    Figure 11. Application view after project "Duke" is added

{ end of add section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

{ start of edit section written by: Christian James Welly }

4.5. Editing an item : edit

Edits an existing item in the ResuMe application.

edit is a different command from redit. Please visit FAQ for more information.

Format: edit INDEX i/ TYPE [ATTRIBUTE/ VALUE]…​ [#/ TAG]…​

Type Format


edit INDEX i/ int [n/ COMPANY_NAME] [r/ ROLE] [f/ FROM] [t/ TO] [d/ DESCRIPTION] [#/ TAG]…​


edit INDEX i/ proj [n/ PROJECT_NAME] [t/ TIME] [w/ WEBSITE] [d/ DESCRIPTION] [#/ TAG]…​


edit INDEX i/ ski [n/ SKILL_NAME] [l/ LEVEL] [#/ TAG]…​


edit INDEX i/ res [n/ RESUME_NAME] [#/ TAG]…​


edit INDEX i/ note [n/ NOTE_NAME] [t/ TIME] [#/ TAG]…​

Example 1: Try typing in the command box these two commands one by one!

  1. list i/ res

  2. edit 1 i/ res n/ Software Engineering Resume #/ agile


  1. The first command lists all resume items in the list box. Assuming you want to edit the resume item at index 1.

    Figure 12. List of all resume items
  2. The second command edits the resume item at index 1. It has its name changed from "Winter 2019" to "Software Engineering Resume" and its tag set to "agile".

    Figure 13. Application view after editing the resume item at index 1

Example 2: Here is another way you can use edit. This time, we will try an example using skill items. Try typing in the command box these two commands one by one!

  1. list i/ ski

  2. edit 2 i/ ski l/ ADVANCED #/


  1. The first command lists all skill items in the list box. Assuming you want to edit the skill item at index 2.

    Figure 14. List of all skill items
  2. The second command edits the skill item at index 2. It has its level changed to from INTERMEDIATE to ADVANCED and all its existing tags cleared.

    Figure 15. Application view after editing the skill item at index 2

{ end of edit section written by: Christian James Welly }

{ start of find section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

4.6. Finding items by name: find

Finds items of a specific type in the corresponding list of items whose names contain the specified keyword(s).


The specific command syntax could be found in the table below:

Type Format




find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​ i/ proj






find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]…​ i/ note

Example: Try typing in the command box these commands one by one!

  1. list i/ proj

  2. find Orbital i/ proj


  1. All project items are listed in the list box. A sample project list is shown below.

    list orbital
    Figure 16. List of all project items
  2. Projects whose names match keywords are listed in the list box.

    find orbital
    Figure 17. Filtered list of project items whose names contain "Orbital"

{ end of find section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

{ start of delete section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

4.7. Deleting an item : delete

Deletes an existing item from the ResuMe application.

Format: delete INDEX i/ TYPE

  • The INDEX argument comes before the TYPE argument.

  • Deleting an item will set the list box to display items of that type.

  • All resume items that contain the deleted item will also be updated to reflect the change.

Use list command to navigate to the correct list to ensure that 1) the item exists, and 2) you know the correct index for deletion. Or just fall back on undo if you accidentally delete the wrong item.


  1. Suppose we start with the following original list of resume items, as seen using the command list i/ res. Pay attention to the second resume item.

    Figure 18. List of all resume items
  2. We delete the 2nd resume with delete 2 i/ res .

    Figure 19. Application view after deleting the resume item at index 2
  3. We delete the 3rd skill with delete 3 i/ ski . Do note how it is not a must for the list box to display skill items for deletion to proceed. After the deletion the list box is set to show skill items.

    Figure 20. Application view after deleteing the skill item at index 3

{ end of delete section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

{ start of sort section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

4.8. Sorting an item list : sort

Sorts an item list in the ResuMe application.

Format: sort i/ TYPE order/ SORT_ORDER [reverse/ TRUE_OR_FALSE]

  • The default sort order is ascending. You can specify reverse/ to reverse this order. So use reverse/ true if you want to sort in descending order, and reverse/ false if you just like to type.

  • Sorting an item list will set the list box to display items of that type.

  • redit can be very potent when used in conjunction with sort. Sort internships by latest, then call redit with int/ 1 2 3 to add the three most recent internships to a resume. So easy!

  • For the selected TYPE, the list of items of that type will be sorted according to SORT_ORDER (see the note above for what reverse/ does).

  • Below is the list of criteria by which different item types can be sorted:

Item type SORT_ORDER Criterion



Name of internship



Start date of internship



Name of project



Date of project



Name of skill



Level of proficiency of skill



Name of resume



Name of note



Deadline of note


  1. We sort all resume items by their name in ascending order with sort i/ res order/ name.

    Figure 21. List of resume items sorted by name in ascending order
  2. We sort all skill items in descending level of proficiency with sort i/ ski order/ level reverse/ true .

    Figure 22. List of skill items sorted by level in descending order
  3. We sort all internship by their start date in ascending order with sort i/ int order/ time reverse/ false, specifying reverse/ this time because we really like to type.

    Figure 23. List of all note items sorted by deadline in ascending order

{ end of sort section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

{ start of view section written by: Christian James Welly }

4.9. Viewing an item in details: view

Shows the detailed view of an item.

Format: view INDEX i/ TYPE

Certain details of specific items, for example the website and description of a project can only be viewed by using this command.

Example: Try typing in the command box these two commands one by one!

  1. list i/ proj

  2. view 1 i/ proj


  1. The first command lists out all the project items in the list box. Assuming you want to view the details of the project item at index 1.

    Figure 24. List of all project items
  2. The second command shows full details of the project at index 1, displayed in the view box. These includes details that were not shown in the list box, such as its website ("") and its description ("An all-in-one task managing app.").

    Figure 25. Updated View Box with the details of the project item at index 1

{ end of view section written by: Christian James Welly }

{ start of redit section written by: Christian James Welly }

4.10. Modifying the content a resume: redit

Modifies the content of a resume to contain the items specified in the command.

redit is a different command from edit. Please visit FAQ for more information.


If you find it a hassle to manually enter items into the resume, you can consider using tagpull!
  • For each TYPE, existing items will be updated to the input items.

  • You can add multiple items of a certain type to a resume by chaining ITEM_INDEX after TYPE/.
    For example proj/ 3 6, will add project item of indices 3 and 6 to the resume.

  • You can remove all items of type TYPE by typing TYPE/ without specifying any ITEM_INDEX after it.

Example 1: Adding items into a new resume

Before you try this example, please ensure you have added at least one internship, one project, and two skill items. You may verify for their presence by using the list command.

Try typing in these commands:

  1. list i/ res

  2. redit 1 int/ 1 proj/ 1 ski/ 1 2


  1. The first command lists out all resume items. Assuming you want to modify the contents of the first resume in the list box.

    Figure 26. List of all resume items
  2. The second command modifies the resume at index 1, named "Winter 2019". The resume now contains the internship item at index 1, project item at index 1, and skill items at indices 1 and 2. The following screenshot illustrates what happens after this command:

    Figure 27. Resume content after adding new items

Example 2: Modifying the contents of the resume

Following from example 1, you realise that you actually wanted to use a different set of items for your "Winter 2019" resume. Here is how you can rectify this!

Before you try this example, please ensure you have added at least one internship and three skill items. You may verify for their presence by using the list command.

Try typing in these commands:

  1. list i/ res

  2. redit 1 int/ 1 proj/ ski/ 3


  1. The first command lists out all resume items. Assuming you want to modify the contents of the first resume in the list box. Since we are following from example 1, the "Winter 2019" resume would already have some items in it.

    Figure 28. List of all resume items
  2. Before the second command, the resume contains the same set of items as the one in example 1. The command modifies the resume at index 1, named "Winter 2019". The resume now still contains the internship item at index 1, no project items, and skill item at index 3. The following screenshot illustrates what happens after this command:

    Figure 29. Resume content after modification

You can think of this command as using only the items that has been specified in the command. In this example, we no longer want the items we have previously added, and we would like the "Winter 2019" resume to contain only the first internship item and the third skill item.

Example 3: No modifications to internship and skill items

Following from example 2, you are now satisfied with the internship and skill items, but you would like to add a project item without changing the internship and skill items. Here is how you can do it!

Before you try out this example, please ensure you have at least two project items.

Try typing in these commands:

  1. list i/ res

  2. redit 1 proj/ 2


  1. The first command lists out all resume items. Assuming you want to modify the contents of the first resume in the list box. Since we are following from example 2, the "Winter 2019" resume would already have some items in it.

    Figure 30. List of all resume items
  2. Before the second command, the resume contains the same set of items as the one in example 2. The command modifies the resume at index 1, named "Winter 2019". The resume will now contain the the project item at index 2. The internship and skill items remain unchanged. The following screenshot illustrates what happens after this command:

    Figure 31. Resume content after modification

So by leaving out one of the prefixes (TYPE/ ITEM_INDEX…​) from the command, you can keep some of the items in your resume!

{ end of redit section written by: Christian James Welly }

{ start of tagpull section written by: Christian James Welly }

4.11. Pulling tagged items into a resume: tagpull

Pulls all the internship, project and skill items with the specified tag(s) into a resume.

Format: tagpull RESUME_INDEX [#/ TAG]…​

This command does not remove items from the resume and will add items on top of the existing items.

Example 1: Pulling items using one tag

Before you try this example, please ensure you have added some items with the tag "SE". You may verify for their presence by using the list command.

Try typing in these commands:

  1. list i/ res

  2. tagpull 1 #/ SE


  1. The first command lists out all resumes. Assuming you want to modify the contents of the first resume in the list box.

    Figure 32. List of all resume items
  2. The second command pulls all items which has "SE" as the tag into the resume at index 1, named "Winter 2019". The following screenshot illustrates the outcome of the command if we have 1 internship item and 2 project items tagged with "SE".

    Figure 33. Resume content after tagpull

Example 2: Pulling items using multiple tags

Now, maybe you have categorised your items by using multiple tags. So, you think just pulling items using one tags is not sufficient. Our tagpull supports that too!

Before you try this example, please ensure you have added some items with the tag "SE" and/or "github". You may verify for their presence by using the list command.

Try typing in these commands:

  1. list i/ res

  2. tagpull 1 #/ SE #/ github


  1. The first command lists out all resumes. Assuming you want to modify the contents of the first resume in the list box.

    Figure 34. List of all resume items
  2. The second command pulls all items which has "SE" or "github" as the tag into the resume at index 1, named "Winter 2019". The following screenshot illustrates the outcome of the command if we have 1 internship item and 2 project items tagged with "SE", and 1 skill item tagged with "github".

    Figure 35. Resume content after tagpull

{ end of tagpull section written by: Christian James Welly }

{ start of undo section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

4.12. Undoing a command: undo

Undoes the previous command and restores the state of the application to before that command is performed.

Format: undo

  • An undo is done per command and not per change. If you make multiple changes to your user profile, for instance, using a single me command, then undo will revert all the changes.

  • Commands that can be undone are: add, delete, edit, sort, redit, tagpull, done, clear and me.

  • Commands that make no change to the application state, namely list, view, find, rpreview and rgen, cannot be undone.

  • Successive undo commands will bring the application further back, until there is no more change to undo.

  • You cannot undo if there is no previous state to return to.


  1. Suppose we hate Java and therefore want to delete it from the list of skill items using a delete 1 i/ ski command. We also do a list i/ proj to switch to viewing projects because that is how staging for an example works.

    deleteJava beforeUndo
    Figure 36. List of all skill items after deleting "Java"
    beforeUndo switchToProj
    Figure 37. List of all project items
  2. But Stockholm’s syndrome kicks in and we decide that Java has its merits, so we revert our action with undo. Voila, Java is back, and our list box now displays skill items.

    postUndo JavaIsBack
    Figure 38. List of all skill items after undo

{ end of undo section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

{ start of redo section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

4.13. Redoing a command: redo

Redoes the most recent undone command and brings the application state to after the (re)execution of that command.

Format: redo

  • A redo is done per command and not per change. If you undo a command that can make multiple changes like redit, then redoing it will resurrect all the changes. Spooky!

  • If a new add, delete, edit, sort, redit, tagpull, done, clear, or me command is performed after an undo, then all states currently available for redo will be erased and you will not be able to go to these states anymore.

  • You cannot redo if there is no forward state to go to.


After the Java deletion incidence in the previous example section (for undo), we decide that the merits of Java do not warrant the pain it wreaks so we want to redo our original decision to delete Java. Once again, Java is removed from our life.

redo success
Figure 39. List of all skill items after redo

{ end of redo section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

{ start of rpreview section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }

4.14. Previewing a resume: rpreview

Previews a resume in text format in a pop-up window.

Format: rpreview RESUME_INDEX

  • RESUME_INDEX is the index of the resume seen when list i/ res is called.

  • description of internship and project is automatically separated into bullet points when the program detects full sentences marked by a full stop.

Example: Let’s try out the following commands!

  1. list i/ res

  2. rpreview 2


  1. The first command lists out all resume items. Assuming that you want to preview the second resume in the list box.

    Figure 40. List of all resume items
  2. The second command will preview the resume at index 2 named "Software Engineering". A pop-up window will be opened, featuring a text-based view of the content of "Software Engineering". The screenshots of the results are as shown below:

    Figure 41. Application view after rpreview is executed
    Figure 42. Preview pop-up window

{ end of rpreview section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }

{ start of rgen section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

4.15. Generating a resume: rgen

Generates a .pdf file from an existing resume stored inside the application at the specified index.

Format: rgen RESUME_INDEX [n/ FILE_NAME]

  • A valid RESUME_INDEX is a positive integer that identifies an existing resume.

  • The exported .pdf file will be located in the same folder as the application .jar file.

It is optional to specify a FILE_NAME for the .pdf file. If no name is specified, the filename will be set, by default, to the name of the generated resume.

Example: Let’s try out the following commands!

  1. list i/ res

  2. rgen 1 n/ My Resume


  1. The first command lists out all resume items. Assuming that you want to generate the first resume in the list box.

    Figure 43. List of all resume items
  2. The second command generates a "My Resume.pdf" file from the specified resume. The screenshots of the application view and of the generated file are as below:

    Figure 44. Application view after rgen is executed
    Figure 45. Generated .pdf file

{ end of rgen section written by: Pham Thuy Duong }

{ start of done section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

4.16. Marking a note as done: done

Marks a Note at a specific index from the current note list as done.

Format: done INDEX

  • A valid INDEX is a positive integer that identifies an existing note.

Example: Let’s try out the following commands!

  1. list i/ note

  2. done 1


  1. The first command lists out all note items.

    Figure 46. List of all note items
  2. Assuming that you want to mark the first note in the list as done. The second command will achieve this, and you will be notified by the updating tick box.

    note done
    Figure 47. List of all note items after done command is executed

{ end of done section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

4.17. Clearing all data: clear

Clears all data from ResuMe. Empties all data in the resume book, user information is replaced with default user information.

Format: clear

This command can be undone.

{ start of exit section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

4.18. Exiting the program : exit

Exits from ResuMe.

Format: exit

{ end of exit section written by: Nham Quoc Hung }

{ start of data-encryption section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

4.19. Saving the data

ResuMe data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

4.20. Encrypting data files [coming in v2.0]

We are currently working on a login feature that will let you set password for ResuMe. You will also be able to have your locally stored data encrypted, so that no one (even us) can gain access to your precious information.

We value your privacy and we want you to feel safe. Stay tuned!

{ end of data-encryption section written by: Nguyen Minh Hoang}

5. FAQ

Q: What is the difference between redit and edit i/ res?

A: redit is used when you want to edit the content of a resume, in other words, add or remove certain items from that resume. Meanwhile, edit i/ res is used when you want to edit attributes of the resume, like its name or tags.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?

A: Install the app in the other Computer and overwrite the empty data file created with the data file of your ResuMe folder in the current Computer.

{ start of summary section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }

6. Command Summary

This is a summary of all available commands for your reference.

6.1. General commands

These are commands that have consistent format regardless of item type.

Command Format




delete INDEX i/ TYPE


done INDEX








list i/ TYPE






sort i/ TYPE order/ SORT_WORD [reverse/ TRUE_OR_FALSE]




view INDEX i/ TYPE

6.2. Item-specific commands

These are commands whose format varies depending on item type.

Command Type Format



add i/ int n/ COMPANY_NAME r/ ROLE f/ FROM t/ TO d/ DESCRIPTION [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ proj n/ PROJECT_NAME t/ TIME w/ WEBSITE d/ DESCRIPTION [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ ski n/ SKILL_NAME l/ LEVEL [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ res n/ RESUME_NAME [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ note n/ NOTE_NAME t/ TIME [#/ TAG]…​



edit i/ int [n/ COMPANY_NAME] [r/ ROLE] [f/ FROM] [t/ TO] [d/ DESCRIPTION] [#/ TAG]…​


edit i/ proj [n/ PROJECT_NAME] [t/ TIME] [w/ WEBSITE] [d/ DESCRIPTION] [#/ TAG]…​


edit i/ ski [n/ SKILL_NAME] [l/ LEVEL] [#/ TAG]…​


edit i/ res [n/ RESUME_NAME] [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ note [n/ NOTE_NAME] [t/ TIME] [#/ TAG]…​

6.3. Resume commands

These are commands specific to resume items.

Command Format

Edit Resume


Generate Resume


Preview Resume


Tag Pull

tagpull RESUME_INDEX [#/ TAG]

{ end of summary section written by: Nguyen Chi Hai }