
ResuMe is a resume managing application made specifically for University students by University Students to allow then to add and manage their different experiences, edit personal data, and create the resume of their dreams in just a few commands.

Summary of contributions

Code contributed:

Link to my code [Code]

Contribution to team based tasks:

Morphed Commands in overall architecture

  • What it means: Commands that are item dependent are now separated to their own separate class according to the item type that they modify, to be created by parser and calls on changes in the model.

  • Justification: This is to make sure that the logic of each excution of each command class is independent from the type that it is linked to. Eg. ListCommand is split into ListResumeCommand and ListSkillCommand…​ ListXYZCommand will show all XYZ without having to check what Item type is passed into it.

Set up the foundation for tests

Created typical classes, item builders, assert command success and failure to aid the team in the setting up of tests.

Manage releases

managed releases for release v1.3 and v1.4.

Enhancements implemented:

Preview a resume: rpreview

  • What it does: Allows users to preview their fleshed out resume in the application before generating it.

  • Justification: This was done to provide users with a ability to go check their resumes for any typos or make sure that all their relevant experiences have been added to the resume before actually making it into a PDF file. This will save users' time as generating the PDF does take some time, and decrease the clutter as users would not have to generate many files.

  • Highlights: This feature wrote the framework to to pass data back to UI and allow the creation of the window with the text data. This feature made enhancing the help command much easier due to similar logic and styling.

List all items: list

  • What it does: Allows users to view all items of a certain type.

  • Justification: This is done so that users know what items they have to pick and choose from to add into their resume.

  • Highlights: Bigger rework on UI and CommandResult so that CommandResult passes up the type currently showing for UI to update and give visual feedback to users.

Clear all data: clear

  • What it does: Allows users clear all their data to start fresh.

  • Highlights: This feature was morphed from AddressBook so that it can work with our data types, undo, and redo.

Review/mentoring contributions:

  • Took part in reviewing of many PRs (Pull requests #300 #234, #159, #327 and more)

  • Took part in fixing bugs in application to make sure app runs wells as a whole(Pull requests #252, #331, #228, #148 and more)

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

{Start of extract 1: Introduction}


Hello fellow University friends! Have you ever found writing resumes for job and internship applications a hassle? Have you ever dreamt about an app that can help you manage different resumes for different companies? Have you ever wished for a more streamlined Command Line Interface application that can match your efficiency and typing prowess?

If this sounds like you, ResuMe is the resume managing application for you! Made by University students for University students with looovee, this wonder understands your struggle and strives to cater to your specific resume needs and job application woes.

{End of extract 1: Introduction}

{Start of extract 2: List Command}

Listing all items : list

Lists items in the storage.

Format: list i/ TYPE

  • Listed items are in short form, only showing their index, name, tags and a short summary. To view items in full details, use view.

  • The type of items listed will light up in orange.

note list is always showing on the bottom left of the application. list i/ note command will show the entire note lis, this is to be used in conjunction with find for note to show all note items after you have filtered the list.


  • list i/ res: Lists all resume items.

    Figure 1. List of all resume items
  • list i/ int: Lists all internship items.

    Figure 2. List of all internship items
  • list i/ note: Lists all note items.

    Figure 3. List of all note items

{End of extract 2: List Command}

{Start of extract 3: Resume Preview Command}

Previewing a resume: rpreview

Previews a resume in text format in a pop-up window.

Format: rpreview RESUME_INDEX

  • RESUME_INDEX is the index of the resume seen when list i/ res is called.

  • description of internship and project is automatically separated into bullet points when the program detects full sentences marked by a full stop.

Example: Let’s try out the following commands!

  1. list i/ res

  2. rpreview 2


  1. The first command lists out all resume items. Assuming that you want to preview the second resume in the list box.

    Figure 4. List of all resume items
  2. The second command will preview the resume at index 2 named "Software Engineering". A pop-up window will be opened, featuring a text-based view of the content of "Software Engineering". The screenshots of the results are as shown below:

    Figure 5. Application view after rpreview is executed
    Figure 6. Preview pop-up window

{End of extract 3: Resume Preview Command}

{Start of extract 4: Clear Command}

Clearing all data: clear

Clears all data from ResuMe. Empties all data in the resume book, user information is replaced with default user information.

Format: clear

This command can be undone.

{Start of extract 4: Clear Command}

{Start of extract 5: Command Summary}

Command Summary

This is a summary of all available commands for your reference.

General commands

These are commands that have consistent format regardless of item type.

Command Format




delete INDEX i/ TYPE


done INDEX








list i/ TYPE






sort i/ TYPE order/ SORT_WORD [reverse/ TRUE_OR_FALSE]




view INDEX i/ TYPE

Item-specific commands

These are commands whose format varies depending on item type.

Command Type Format



add i/ int n/ COMPANY_NAME r/ ROLE f/ FROM t/ TO d/ DESCRIPTION [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ proj n/ PROJECT_NAME t/ TIME w/ WEBSITE d/ DESCRIPTION [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ ski n/ SKILL_NAME l/ LEVEL [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ res n/ RESUME_NAME [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ note n/ NOTE_NAME t/ TIME [#/ TAG]…​



edit i/ int [n/ COMPANY_NAME] [r/ ROLE] [f/ FROM] [t/ TO] [d/ DESCRIPTION] [#/ TAG]…​


edit i/ proj [n/ PROJECT_NAME] [t/ TIME] [w/ WEBSITE] [d/ DESCRIPTION] [#/ TAG]…​


edit i/ ski [n/ SKILL_NAME] [l/ LEVEL] [#/ TAG]…​


edit i/ res [n/ RESUME_NAME] [#/ TAG]…​


add i/ note [n/ NOTE_NAME] [t/ TIME] [#/ TAG]…​

Resume commands

These are commands specific to resume items.

Command Format

Edit Resume


Generate Resume


Preview Resume


Tag Pull

tagpull RESUME_INDEX [#/ TAG]

{End of extract 5: Command Summary}

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

{Start of extract 1: Overall Architecture}

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete 1 i/ ski, delete skill at index 1.

Figure 7. Component interactions for delete 1 i/ ski command

The figure above explains quite clearly how the input of the user is passed into the system through Ui that calls Logic to make changes in the Model and saves to Storage. However, it may not be immediately clear how the Ui is then updated to give visual feedback to the User. The updating of the Ui is actually done through a combination of observable items, lists, and updating of the Ui with data passed through commandResult. Head to [UI component] to read more.

How the architecture components interact at start up

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other at start up.

Figure 8. Component interactions for initialisation

The sections below give more details of each component.

{End of extract 1: Overall Architecture}

{Start of extract 2: Implementation of Command Classes}

Implementation of Command classes

Current Implementation

Currently, there are several object Type which are subclasses of Item, namely Resume, Internship, Skill, Note and Project.

Commands that are dependent on item Type, namely AddCommand, DeleteCommand, EditCommand, FindCommand, ListCommand, SortCommand, and ViewCommand are implemented as abstract classes that inherits from Command and would have a concrete classes that corresponds to each item Type. For example, AddCommand is an abstract class that AddInternshipCommand and AddSkillCommand inherits from.

Commands that are not dependent on item Type (eg. EditUserCommand, ResumeEditCommand) are implemented as concrete classes that inherits directly from Command.

From this point onwards, for the sake of clarity in our discussion, commands that are dependent on type will be called ABCCommand whereas those who are independent of type will be called XYZCommand.

The following is the class diagram for Command and its subclasses.

Figure 9. Component XYZCommand is independent of Type whereas ABCCommand is dependent on Type.

Design Considerations

Aspect: Whether to separate the ABCCommand that is dependent on type into many ABCItemCommand

Alternative 1 (current choice): ABCCommand is separated into many ABCItemCommand. Parser will parse user input and create the exact ABCItemCommand. The following is the activity diagram for execution of AddResumeCommand when the user adds a resume.

Figure 10. Activity diagram for execution of AddResumeCommand

This leads to a cleaner execution method of each ABCItemCommand as each command class has a clear goal.

  • Pros: More OOP. Each ABCItemCommand has its own and distinct functionality. Each ABCItemCommand has more flexible behaviour and can be easily changed as required.

  • Cons: Many classes have to be maintained.

Alternative 2: ABCCommand is not separated into many ABCItemCommand. The following is the activity diagram for execution of AddCommand if AddCommand is not separated into AddResumeCommand, AddNoteCommand, AddInternshipCommand, AddProjectCommand, and AddSkillCommand when the user adds a resume.

Figure 11. Activity diagram for execution of AddCommand

Implementing ABCCommand this way forces execute to be switch-cased. Functionality of execute would vary depending on the item Type.

  • Pros: Only one command is required, regardless of number of items. Low overhead.

  • Cons: Long execute method due to the need for handling the different item types as seen from the logic of the activity diagram. Item Type would also need to be stored. Undesirable variable functionality of execute command depending on the Type field despite it being from the same class. ie. AddItem can add Internship to the Internship list, or add Skill to Skill list.

Conclusion: We went with our current design because it allows for each command type to only have one distinct job which is more in line with the object oriented programming paradigm of Single Responsibility Principle. Instead of having one single class that that would need to change if implementation of any of the Type changes, our implementation ensures that our many command classes would only have a single reason to change. Moreover, our current implementation also reduces double work as Parser will not have to parse Type in the user input to create the ABCCommand, then only to be switch-cased again in ABCCommand.

{End of extract 2: Implementation of Command Classes}